Zapalovač Zippo 66047 One with Nature Design s povrchem High Polish Green.
Zapalovač Zippo 66042 Floral Yin and Yang Design s povrchem Glacier.
Zapalovač Zippo 66021 Yin-Yang Design s povrchem Multi Color.
Zapalovač Zippo 21970 Angel Aura Design s povrchem z broušeného chromu.
Zapalovač Zippo 20977 Luxury Leaf Design s povrchem Satin Chrome™.
Originální zapalovač Zippo 27148 Policie s povrchem Linen Weave™
Zapalovač Zippo 26984 Star of David Design s povrchem Black Ice®.
Zapalovač Zippo 26932 Helmet with Crossed Swords s povrchem Black Matte.
Zapalovač Zippo 26888 Leaf and Peace s povrchem Multi Color.
Zapalovač Zippo 26187 Ctrl Alt Del s povrchem Black Matte.
Zapalovač Zippo 26148 Cannabis Design s povrchem Black Ice®.
Zapalovač Zippo 26070 Cat and Dog s povrchem High Polish Blue.
Zapalovač Zippo 26035 Leaf Design s povrchem .
Zapalovač Zippo 25631 Heart of Tree Design s povrchem Black Ice®.
Zapalovač Zippo 24210 Elements of Earth Design s povrchem z leštěné mosazi.
Zapalovač Zippo 21934 Wireless s povrchem z broušeného chromu.